Wednesday, June 17, 2009

When did June happen?

I can't believe that it's June! So much is happening and has happened! Another school year has come to a close, and this one I had one graduate High School!
Yep! Riley has done his time in the K through 12 regime and is moving on to Salt Lake Community College for a semester or two before serving a mission. (Won't that be fun when we find out where he is going to go? I hope it's Italy for totally selfish reasons)

For the last 3 years, I've had kids in elementary, junior high and high school. Next year we add college. Am I really that old? I guess I should have embraced my oldness with the first wirery (sp?) white hair I plucked from my chin! I found a brilliantly white hair on my wrist in a sea of black ones, and it became my favorite hair. There was something dignified about it. Maybe I can fake being dignified when all my hair is white.

I'm stressing out a little right now because we are doing an Eagle court of honor for Riley on Sunday. (I know it's Fathers day, but it's the day that worked, kind of, really, I mean it!) We have over 100 peeps coming to this shindig! (Maybe I shouldn't have made it a barbeque.)
He made 18 back boards for Riverton City with the help of his leaders and fellow scouts. He did a pretty darn good job!
This is him with only 3 of the MANY that came to help. Great boys and men.

I'm not sure, but I think that we are having record rain fall this year! It is June 17th and I am almost positive that we have had rain EVERY day this month! And some of those days have been absolute down pours! Had some flooding in the basement! I can not complain, I haven't had to have the sprinklers on and it's been cool and perfect temperature! I think this is what it would be like to live in Seattle! My knees hate it, but I LOVE it! (Well, except for all the mushrooms in my lawn)
I'm thinking we may have to move the court of honor to the church instead of out backyard. I'll just have to pray for sun. Either way, it'll be nice to get it done. Then I can finish worrying about youth conference and how that will go. When it's all over, I want to hide in my room and read for a week!
If you haven't read it yet, you need to read "My Fair Godmother". It is so much fun! I think it's my favorite read of the year so far! It's good for either gender as it has both male and female characters in it and it's not, hmmm, how do I put this? I know! Even though there is some romance in it, it is really a comedy. I wish that there had been more to read, I was really sad when it was done.
I'm rambling now, better stop and go to bed. I'm pooped.